Geometric Body in Dance

Like I told in the first post, I'm a dancer, so, I've found so interesting to talk about the geometry in the human's body and its movement.

On the one hand, in ballet dance as well as maths there are structured forms, so, we can see dance in a mathematical way, but we also see maths trough art and beauty eyes. 

Geometry is current at the most perfect and hard movements of ballet dance, in the shape of polygons. The movement in ballet follow symmetry relations, that generate harmony and order. There, you have some images of the different lines and figures that we composed with our body when we do ballet dance:

Resultado de imagen de danza y geometria

Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen de danza y geometria

Maybe it's easy to think that there are only draws in these photos, but we really have to think and imagine these lines when we are dancing. Thus, because we are thinking on it is why  the spectator see all these figures in their minds.

On the other hand, ballet dance it's not the only one that use the lines and geometric figures. There, we can see two Spanish contemporary choreographers and dancers, Sandra Egido and Carla Cervantes, that create their coreografiares basing in geometric draws and shapes:

Finally, I think that it could be useful for children to make them to create and imagine these lines and figures with their bodies, because it's a way to develop their creativity and to understand and embrace the different geometric figures. 


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