

Hello everyone! I would like to introduce my self, I'm Águeda Márquez, student of the Dregree of Primary Education in Málaga. I'm studying, teaching and working as a dancer too.  I'm writting this blog for the subject of Didactics of Geometry and I'm going to talk about different interesting aspects of live related with geomety and its use with stuents.  I would like to approach you to my dance world too, so, I hope that you like my blog and you find it interesting! Thank you! 

TICs Resources

I think that it is very important to approach children to the reality, doing practice activities related with their surrounding. But we are in the technological era, so, we should teach with TICs resources too. Thus, in this link you have an interesting JClic activity to work "Geometric Bodies" and their parts and "The Circumferences".  Finally, there is a funny video to learn the basic geometric figures with the youngest children:

Dance Traces

Lesia Trubat is an artist that connected dance with visual arte, putting an electronic system in the dancer's shoes to see the movements that the dancer was doing in a screen. This project is called E-Traces (Electronic Traces) and I found it very interesting because we can see another view of the dance that we never known. Dance is suppose to have "perfect movements", drawing perfect figures on the floor or the air with your legs and arms. But it is a hard work to achieve these perfect movements. With this project, we can see how we really produce the movement and, like her creator says, is useful to clean de dancers movement and the technique. There, you can see a video of this project: https://vimeo.com/108109673 Besides, Lesia Trubat have done the same project but using different materials to do dancers draw their dance. I've found this project more interesting, because we can see the movements in a better way, maybe because the t


Geoplane is a didactic resource that I've discovered in my practice period. Teacher use at school to help a boy who have some development delay. I found it very practical because teacher aims the student to make different geometric figures, counting the numbers of "points" that figures have in each side and comparing between different figures and size.  Besides, teacher asked the student to make "draws" with the geometric figures that they were learning, like a house. In addition, we can use this resource in class with youngest students to learn the easier figures like the square, rectangle or triangle. Or we can use it in higher levels to learn and practice figures like that, leaving their creativity work too. Finally, it could be interesting to make students build their own geoplane, using different materials like wood and nails, cork and tacks or others ones that children purpose.

Fibonacci and Geometric Nature

It's normal to see beautiful figures at nature like that surrounding us. I've take this picture at my own kitchen. This isn't a casualty that nature present these kind of form, spirals and sequences. Mathematics called this phenomena the "Fibonacci Rule". There, you have a video in Spanish in which it is explained: Seeing the simplicity and the consequences that Fibonacci have at nature, besides its harmony and beauty, I think that we have to teach this knowledge at primary school, as soon as children learn to count and add.  To learn this beautiful knowledge, that join nature and maths in a simple way, would contribute to a better understanding and assessment by each issues at the development of children to the rest of their lives. 

"Fouetté en tournant" - Geometric Study

There you can see a spectacular ballerina doing 32 "fouettés en tournant". This is a step of ballet classic dance that seems like a whip in turn. The work leg is stretched and tided up during the turn. The head is keeping looking at a fixed point and arms help to do the turn. I'm going to explain all the geometric figures that helps us to do this step in a correct way. But, before starting, I would like yo show some pictures of the fouetté step by step: So, as we can see, it's important to keep the balance, so we have to create a straight line between foot fingers until our head: Besides, we have to maintain the back in this line, so, we make a T between our torso and our shoulders: As I said before, our arms helps us to turn, so, we use them making a parallel line with the leg in movement:  Just before we started the turn, we make three movements with our work leg: - Shift of 90º of our leg in front of us. - Shift

Geometric Figures' Cube

All of us had have a toy like that in our chillhood. But, why is so important to children to play with it at their first years? Geometric toys are very important for the learning process. The child have to introduce an object in the form of a cube, cilindre or triangle ob the belonging hole. At the beginning it will be very difficult for children, but they are going to develop their abilities and command playing.   Geometric is an essential concept of maths. Thus, playing, children will be improving their space's understanding and organization, polygons, sizes... These will be concepts that help them in their scholars years.  Manipulating objects and forms, children improve their logic ability. Because to put the figures in their right hole, they have to take into account the form of the toy as well as their tales. 

Kanizsa's Triangle

Kanizsa's Triangle is an optic illusion discovered by Gaetano Kanizsa in 1955. You can notice a white equilateral triangle, but there isn't any one. This effect is known like "subjective outline". What's more, the white triangle seems to shine more than the surrounding area, but it has the same brightness than the bottom.  This is one of a lot of optic illusion to prove that "reality" is something different of what it seems to be. When we observe something (an apparent objective fact) our brain's operation mechanism, our experience and our knowledge give to this fact an interpretation, a particular meaning.  Thus, if it happens with a figure, what will happens with social facts, in which people has particular choices and behaviours? it is posible to be objective? For me, it's so important to stop and thinking about all the point of view that we can imagine before take a decision in front of any fact, because sometimes our brain is

Geometric Body in Dance

Like I told in the first post, I'm a dancer, so, I've found so interesting to talk about the geometry in the human's body and its movement. On the one hand, in ballet dance as well as maths there are structured forms, so, we can see dance in a mathematical way, but we also see maths trough art and beauty eyes.  Geometry is current at the most perfect and hard movements of ballet dance, in the shape of polygons. The movement in ballet follow symmetry relations, that generate harmony and order. T here, you have some images of the different lines and figures that we composed with our body when we do ballet dance: Maybe it's easy to think that there are only draws in these photos, but we really have to think and imagine these lines when we are dancing. Thus, because we are thinking on it is why  the spectator see all these figures in their minds. On the other hand, ballet dance it's not the only one that use the lines and geometric figures.